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Annabelle Quirk née Bush

Dir. KameleonUK | Founding Partner

Business Logistics & Solutions Consultant

Annabelle is the voice behind Planetauto, planning all logistics, forging new directions. Annabelle has the passion and drive to deliver an unparalleled client experience. Her primary objective when undertaking a project is to establish a rapport with all clients, and approach any objective with a focussed determination and an attention to detail that is unsurpassable.

Annabelle’s skills and resources are extensive and constantly expanding. During her career the foremost concern has always been openness, honesty and integrity and a healthy working relationship within any work structure. This gives Annabelle a unique ability to elevate any and all working experiences by taking advantage of opportunities and developing the skills of the people around her. 


Tel: +44 (0)7538 100645 Mobile
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: annabelle.quirk
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Northern Group of Motoring Writers NGMW 

Members of The Northern Group Of Motoring Writers